Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Vacation Post

So I'm finally up for a little blogging! And it's time to share a few pictures I took while I was in France.

I didn't take that many really, because we had so much rain and I took mostly portraits(and am not sure if those people would be ok with me posting them).
However I now know photoshop and that will allow me to do a lot more photography-wise and post more in the future. Also, I have yet to post pictures of things I bought over there.

Here we go: This was the window in our little working area, we spent most of our time in an unlit room behind our laptops so it was nice to have this little fairytale-like element to remind us of where we were.

They have a lot of horses there, so when it wasn't raining one day, I took advantage of the opportunity and took some pictures.

Even though I have a macro lens, I'd never really done any macro-photography. This was a good time to try it. I don't know what has happened to the quality of the pictures, but somehow after uploading they got a little more pixelated and just different looking.

We spent most of our time learning to edit. Which is were I went all out and made this macro piece. It reminded me so much of those IKEA flowers! You know, those huge blown up colorful flower paintings they sell.

Anyway, it was a great trip.
I was very tired, really cold and didn't respond well to the food there, but I also had a great time! The photography course was a lot of fun and I'm very happy I learned how to edit pictures. But most importantly I met lots of amazing people!

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