Well, I'm sure you spotted Ashlie's banner in my sidebar last month, because those amazing little birds are not easily overlooked! I am a huge fan of her art work, a regular reader of her lovely blog and also lucky enough to own a custom portrait. And I was very excited to interview Ashlie and learn more about all the lovely things she does. Hope you'll enjoy the interview too!
It seems art has always been a part of me as I have been drawing since I could lift a pencil. Always encouraged by those around me and nurtured whilst growing up I couldn't help but continue to create. I found my way to mixed media art only in the last 3 years after trying everything separately. It never occurred to me that it was "okay" to combine mediums until I picked up an issue of Somerset Studio. My world was opened wide open and once I allowed myself to create with an array of materials, I knew I found my happy little niche.
Always always. I was always the kid in art class who completed the project before the teacher fully explained the instruction, sitting idly waiting for others to finish up. At home I would wield the hot glue gun like a cowboy with his pistol, making and creating all sorts of things. In fact, I don't think I was ever NOT in a project of some sort.
Inspiration comes from many sources for me, but I am deeply inspired by nature. I love wildlife, rolling hills, and the way sun hits the hills around 4pm on a late autumn evening. I am an observer. I see all sorts of things that others may not notice, and this is inspirational. I like having the ability to notice the small things. At times I am inspired by my children's musings or ideas. Other times I am inspired by a dream I might have had. I am often visited in the night by whatever it is that plants ideas in ones head. It's not rare for me to come up with an idea on the verge of sleep or as I wake in the morn.
A pair of pink zebra print headphones, music, and something to sip... which I often mistake for my paint water. Always a smile and an ooops as I wash a brush off in my coffee!
My perfect Sunday consists of a hot cup of coffee piled high with swirling sweet whipped cream from the can. From there it's table time with the hubby while responding to emails and sharing that day's blog post with twitter and facebook. Once the essentials are taken care of it's into the studio where first I warm my buns by my personal gas powered wall heater. Some paper, my scissors, music, and other assorted materials I get lost in the lyrics of my tunes while pouring forth onto paper. The perfect Sunday afternoon is spent napping in bed. Every day is better with a nap.
Oh I plan to take over the world in the next year! Ok, maybe not literally... but I do plan to push myself even farther than I did last year. So far I have an upcoming article in Cloth Paper Scissors come their May/June issue. I have high expectations of myself and my talent, so if I have it my own way... that won't be the only publication. This coming year I plan to increase my studio time and do a lot more drawing in between actual art pieces so that I can hone in and perfect my skills. Personally, I like to have goals but I also love the things that come my way. The best projects or ideas come unplanned because they are spontaneous and spontaneity brings forth powerful inspiration. So visit me at my blog and you'll be sure to see what I am up to at the moment, I would love to have you!If you can't get enough of Ashlie and her work be sure to subscribe to her blog and heart her on Etsy. She's a very busy bee, so you'll find new things on both sites very regularly!

Lovely to see the talented Ashlie on your blog and to read her responses. Her dynamism and creativity are always inspiring!