Saturday, February 4, 2012

Shelter from the Snow

It has started snowing recently. It looks amazing, but somehow it gives me headaches. The inside of my head pretty much feels like a snowglobe and as clear thinking is pretty much out of the question, I've decided to make the most of it and enjoy some Murakami and my very first Taiyaki.

What are you doing this weekend?


  1. I love this photo and want everything in it!

    Well, the Murakami I already have, as that is one of my most favourite books of all time. I should read it again!

    We have snow here too... I am hoping to have my first snow play with the little one - he was just too tiny last year to enjoy it.

  2. OH my goodness I want that little fishy thing! How does it taste? Honestly, it looks way too cute to eat.

  3. That fish looks adorable and tasty lol. Hope your head feels better, oddly enough reading helps when mine hurts.

    xo Amber P.

  4. What a perfect way to spend the day x

  5. I'm reading that book too- although I'm also reading a few others at the same time….


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