Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Owl Things Considered

Where I live seeing an owl isn't really an every day occasion. Sure, there are zoos and, yes, we have woods too, but there are only eight kinds living here and the chance of seeing one in the wild is pretty slim.
Being such an owl lover you can probably imagine how excited I was to have found an live owl webcam feed online.

"Molly the owl" has lots and lots of fans, she is very cute and absolutely beautiful! But there is more, her eggs have hatched a while back and I believe they are currently living with four owls under one roof.

The webcam is always on, you may not always see the owls though. And chances are you've missed some high-lights too. In that case you might want to check out the YouTube page. Here's a cute little video I spotted there:

I really wish I would have found this sooner though. It's so much fun to have the feed on full screen mode even when you're doing other things at the same time. It's a bit like the aquarium dvds only a hundred times cuter. And it feels so cozy seeing those little owls cuddling up together!


  1. Aww, that video is cuuute! Nothing seems to be going on on the webcam at the mo but I'll keep checking back. I'd love to catch a glimpse of them all in their house! Thanks for sharing this. :)

  2. Awww! That is so damn adorable! Thank you for sharing this!

  3. I could see myself quickly becoming obsessed with this...LOVE owls too!

    xx Cat brideblu

  4. How cute! I am going to have to check it out.

    I saw three owls in a cemetery one time and it was seriously one of the best moments of my life! : )



  5. I simply adore your love for owls :) This is adorable.

  6. I love owls! Definitely the coolest of all the animals :)

  7. molly! im so excited to see she's still well! i watcher her chicks grow up 2 years ago. the chicks were so funny! what is the male owl called? i can't remember for the life of me


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