When I hit my lowest low of the holiday in France I decided all I could do was watch a movie on my laptop. Thankfully I'd taked a few dvds with me and when I was tired, cold and depressed Wristcutters truly was a lifesaver. Oh wait, this sounds kinda depressing. Just to be clear: I wasn't suicidal, I just wanted to be warm and needed some entertainment.

Despite the depressing title Wristcutters is actually a lovely quirky independant film. And it has an amazingly addicting soundtrack, seriously take a listen, I posted the song above.
I loved this movie so much I watched it again very soon after I first saw it. Somehow I always like to compare movies with other films so here we go: Wristcutters was like Everything is Illuminated and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind combined to make a sequel of Away We Go. If you like any of these movies you will love this one!
This sounds like a good movie!
i love this film, gogol bordello song is fantastic! I watched Julia's eyes today which is worth a watch. Have you seen Bunny and the bull? I love that film lots and all wes anderson too! xx
ReplyDeleteOh and one more thing! (Hihi, spam from me today)
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to the vanilla sugar I scrape the pods out and try to mix them into the sugar.
I hear some people also just mix it all in a blender as well, I'll try that next time :)
I love the other movies, so this would me a must-see for me! (: Thanks for the tip!
ReplyDeleteDankjewel voor jouw leuke berichtje op mijn blog! Ik volg je vanaf nu, dus ik hoef niks meer van je te missen en je kunt regelmatig een bezoekje van me verwachten. Woon je trouwens ook in Nederland? Ik ben niet zo goed in Engels, maar ik zal proberen voornamelijk in die taal te reageren (:
Veel liefs en tot blogs!
Iris Anastasia.
dit is dus echt een van mijn favoriete films en ik ben altijd blij als ik mensen tegenkom die hem hebben gezien en ook leuk vinden. mensen schrikken ook altijd als ze de titel horen maar dan zien ze hem en is het ok