As you may have read I made some changes in my sponsorship program. For instance I'm now doing bi-monthly sponsor posts: one introduction and one shop update. Today will be all about getting to know the sponsors a little better. Some popped in to say hi themselves, some others I'm introducing instead.
Enjoy and be sure to check out their blogs and shops!
Amy won a few months of my ad space on Kate's blog and we've been in touch ever since. She's a lovely person, huge animal lover and an amazing creative mind! When reading her blog you get to peek into her life and head, and enjoy lots of things from baking, to pets, to all sorts of blogging projects. She is in the midst of opening up her own shop full of vintage and handmade goodies, but more on that later! I recommend you follow her blog and find out for yourself everything this busy bee has in store.
Clare has a lovely blog filled with all sorts of things, her hopes and dreams and all the "weird stuff she loves". She is very much into Ball Jointed Dolls, reads loads of books and has an amazing writing style. "Borderline" really is a mix of so many things, though it always makes sense because it simply IS Clare. I am proud to call her my friend because she's amazing.
Now go and check out her little space on the internet!
I was so excited to find Hannah's blog because we have so much in common and she shares so many fun ideas, recipes and finds. A few words from her:
Hi there, my name is Hannah and I make things and blog about them. I live with my partner Ben and my rabbits Iggy and Perdy. I write a lifestyle blog called "Made by my Rabbit" which is about cooking, making, sewing and general things which I find inspiring and hope you will too.
Here's an introduction from RobbieLee, a lovely entrepenuer who not only makes pretty things for her shop but shares pretty things on her blog as well:
Hello! My name is RobbieLee and I'm the creative behind Chickiedee ǀ Handmade. And no, I didn't spell it wrong... it is Chickiedee and not Chickadee (smile). I live an artsy life doing everything from graphic design and clay-mations to sewing up clothing and quilts. I guess you could say that it runs in the family. When making for Chickiedee, I try to use Green practices and materials when possible to do my part in protecting the environment. That's one reason why many of my creations are one of a kind.
If you are a young mother you'll find Sara's blog very helpful and inspiring. But even if (like me) you don't have any little ones to take care of you will enjoy it very much. Besides "Mommyhood Mondays", she does outfit posts, life updates and uses her blog as a creative platform. Prairie Hen is a very real and open blog about Sara's life and loves. Also she just got a kick-ass tattoo!
blog(currently unavailable) - shop
I actually met Kasia on an Etsy meet-up. And she's amazing just like her creatures!
The little bears, mice and other animals all seem to have their own personalities. As a matter of fact I wouldn't really be surprised if you woke up one night and found them wandering about. If you're looking to buy a special gift for a special person or a new born baby's room you will find something amazing in her shop. Most creatures are needlefelted but she sure knows how to knit too!
A big thanks to all the sponsors!
If you've enjoyed this post and want to sponsor Blue Eyed Night Owl as well you can check out the details here.
yay, thank you for featuring me. xxxx
ReplyDeleteHaha, could you possibly get any sweeter? Thank you so, so much!
ReplyDelete*Copy + paste mijn reactie op jouw laatste reactie op mijn blog*
ReplyDelete"Ik ben ook fan van jouw blog, dus ik volg je vanaf nu met bloglovin' (:
Leuk dat je ook van Regina Spektor houdt! Jij bent de tweede die ik ontmoet die haar al kende voor dat ik men indoctrineerde met haar muziek :P
Dankjewel voor jouw felicitatie! En wanneer de kitten in huis is zal dat jullie als lezers vast niet ontgaan, daar zal ik hoogst persoonlijk voor zorgen! (:
Leuk dat je in Amsterdam woont, ik heb er ook even gewoond. Een heerlijk stad waar ik mij erg thuis voel. Welk deel woon je?
"Paprika" is inderdaad echt een must, de beste anime die ik tot nu toe heb gezien. Het is fantasievol en kleurrijk en past zeker in je straatje als je Howl's Moving Castle en Spirited Away gaaf vond. Veel plezier met het kijken ervan, ik hoor graag wat je ervan vond! (:
En wat betreft mijn reactie-taal, ik ga gewoon mijn best doen in het Engels. Zo'n kleine uitdaging is ook wel weer leuk!"
Dat sponsorschap (wat ik bij veel Etsy-blogger zie) snap ik niet helemaal. Zou jij mij kunnen uitleggen wat daarvan de bedoeling is en hoe het werkt? (:
Iris Anastasia.
P.S.: Sorry for the non-Dutch readers. Next time will be in English ;)!