This is one of the first owls I drew. And cut. And glued, I guess. It's a little something I made for a dear friend of mine. She has received it, so I'm free to show you now.

I thought of it right after I made this bunch. Since I love owls and love drawing I figured I just had to draw a few. Finally I did and it is now my favorite drawing in the whole portfolio. As soon as I've had the admissions I will try to hang it in my room.

Onto some other artsy news. My dad bought me a box of secondhand art supplies. Apart from tubes and tubes full of paint, which I hope still work. There was also ink, a palet and lots of paint brushes.
Today I rinsed of all the tubes and I'm hoping to finish cleaning and organizing tomorrow.
Maybe I can even try a few items out before admissions next week. I can't believe it's getting so close. I am very excited, there's only one thing I'm dreading really: it starts at 8:15! And only ends at 15:30. So it's a very busy day. A few people from the course will be there too, but I'm afraid there won't be much time for catching up. But hey, that's why they invented lunch breaks, right?
Those owl drawings are wonderful! you're so talented.